
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations for Function 7.1. / 7.3. – Refresher


When shipping cargo via airfreight, one of the main concerns is, to ensure a “safe handling and transport of Dangerous Goods”.
Safety is your responsibility, and you have already successfully completed the Initial DGR course, but do you still know the appropriate precautions you have to take?

This refresher course does not only show you the latest amendments and directives, but also refreshes the legal requirements, operational restrictions, packaging instructions, marking, labeling and documentation required for dangerous goods.

This training is mandatory to revalidate your 24-month IATA Certificate!


Once you have successfully completed this training and examination, you will be able to understand the regulations published in the current IATA DGR manual and use them in your daily practice.

In general, you will be able to :

  • Understand and apply the recent updates of the IATA DGR.
  • Fulfill the 24-month ICAO/IATA recurrent dangerous goods training requirement.
  • Review and share practical aspects of dangerous goods handling with your classmates.

 As a shipper, you will be able to :

  • Identify the hazard type
  • Understand the limitations of quantities accepted for air shipments
  • Define if a shipment should be carried on board of a passenger flight or on a full cargo aircraft.
  • Use appropriate packing and apply correct markings & labeling on your packages
  • Establish the correct documentation to accompany the shipment
  • Handle & store the goods in a safe way.
  • Find your way and receive the proper contacts/addresses of companies/authorities who set the standards for shipping dangerous goods by air.

In addition, as a Freight Forwarder and/or airline/ground handling agent, you will be able to :

  • Verify, to the extent possible, that the consignment of dangerous goods complies with the requirements of these Dangerous Goods Regulations

Through this training, you will have obtained all skills, relative to dangerous goods, which you need in your daily job !

An IATA Certificate is awarded after successful completion of the course and the final examination.

Target audience

  • Shippers, packers
  • Warehouse management companies,
  • Freight forwarders, cargo agents, consolidators,
  • Handling agents & airline cargo acceptance staff, cargo operations and ground handling staff
  • Airlines
  • Instructional designers and instructors of DGR
  • All persons involved in the preparation, packing, handling, storage, shipping, inspection and acceptance of dangerous goods

This training is the Recurrent DGR training (as per DG Ref. and meets the training requirements for personnel listed in category 6 as per Table H.A.1.5.A of the IATA DGR.
Recurrent training has to be followed, within 24 months of previous training to ensure knowledge is current. 


You must be in possession of a still valid IATA certificate. Your current certificate should be sent by email to
Knowledge of the English language is a must. (all training material and examination are in English)

Important : to bring with you during the course : 

Each participant has to bring the most recent version of the IATA Dangerous Regulations manual (=65th Edition, valid from 01 Jan 2024 till 31 Dec 2024) to the course, as these Regulations will be used for all exercises and for the exam.
If you do not have this most recent manual in your office, then you can order this book via VdP.  (price is 305,00 euro, excl. eventual delivery cost).
Kindly confirm your order by email to if you would like to buy this manual.  (orders should reach us no later then 14 working days before the training, in order to have them delivered on time!)

Responsable de sûreté fret aérien (RSA), cours de base


Toutes les sociétés, exportant des marchandises par fret aérien (expéditeurs, fabricants, entrepôts), ainsi que toutes les sociétés qui transportent celles-ci (transport routier ou aérien) rentrent en contact avec les règles de sûreté, conforme avec la réglementation européenne.

La législation de l’UE est en vigueur depuis des années mais elle est encore insuffisamment connue.

Ce cours ne vous donne pas seulement un aperçu des réglementations légales, mais vous donne également des outils pratiques pour interpréter ces textes juridiques dans votre propre environnement opérationnel.


Toutes les personnes qui exercent une fonction de Responsable dans la sûreté du fret aérien, ceci dans toute la chaîne logistique, entre autres:

– Expéditeurs, producteurs, entreprises d’export.
– Gestionnaires d’entrepôt.
– Expéditeurs du fret aérien, compagnies aériennes, les compagnies de manutention de fret aérien.
– Les transporteurs du fret routier qui transportent des marchandises de/vers les aéroports.


VdP vous forme à toutes les compétences, qui sont obligatoires pour obtenir la certification ‘Chargeur Connu’ ou ‘Agent Habilité’ approché pratiquement avec des études d’exemples ou des problèmes que vous voulez discuter!


Aucune connaissance préalable est nécessaire.
ATTENTION : il y a des exigences de participation (voir ci-dessous).

Exigences de participation :

– la formation est uniquement accessible pour les Responsables de sûreté qui travaillent activement auprès d’un Chargeur connu (KC) ou d’un Agent Habilité (RA)
– votre entreprise n’est pas encore validé comme un KC ou un RA, mais a déjà soumis la demande à la DGTA, par laquelle votre dossier a été déclaré recevable
– vous êtes le backup du Responsable de sûreté de l’entreprise (RA ou KC) et vous êtes désigné par votre Responsable de sûreté de participer à la formation.

La DGTA filtre les candidats éventuels. Cela signifie que vous, en tant que participant, devez soumettre les documents suivants au gouvernement à l’avance:

– CV dans le format de la DGTA (jj/mm/aa).
– Copie de la carte d’identité (recto-verso)
– Extrait récent (max. 6 mois) du casier judiciaire.
– Déclaration formelle: traitement de l’information “diffusion restreinte” (formulaire de la DGTA à remplire)

Les formulaires de la DGTA vous seront fournis par VdP après votre inscription et doivent être remplis et envoyés à la DGTA, au plus tard 2 semaines avant le début de la formation à l’adresse suivante :, cc Mme. Ines Prieels, à l’adresse :, avec mention ‘Pre-screening participation à la formation Responsable de sûreté chez VdP + date de début de la formation’.

IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations Function 7.1. / 7.3., including Radioactive Material


When shipping cargo via airfreight, one of the main concerns is, to ensure a “safe handling and transport of Dangerous Goods”.
Safety is your responsibility, but do you know the appropriate precautions you have to take?
Do you know how to prepare and pack the dangerous cargo properly?
What kind of markings, labels and documents are needed?

Discover now all the rules and regulations through this IATA approved DGR Initial training !

Once you have successfully completed this training and examination, you will be able to understand the regulations published in the IATA DGR manual and use them in your daily practice.

As a shipper, you will be able to :

  • Identify the hazard type
  • Understand the limitations of quantities accepted for air shipments
  • Define if a shipment should be carried on board of a passenger flight or on a full cargo aircraft.
  • Use appropriate packing and apply correct markings & labeling on your packages
  • Establish the correct documentation to accompany the shipment
  • Handle & store the goods in a safe way.
  • Find your way and receive the proper contacts/addresses of companies/authorities who set the standards for shipping dangerous goods by air.

In addition, as a Freight Forwarder and/or airline/ground handling agent, you will be able to :

  • Verify, to the extent possible, that the consignment of dangerous goods complies with the requirements of these Dangerous Goods Regulations

Through this training, you will have obtained all skills, relative to dangerous goods, which you need in your daily job !

An IATA Certificate is awarded after successful completion of the course and the final examination.

Target audience 

  • Shippers, packers
  • Warehouse management companies,
  • Freight forwarders, cargo agents, consolidators,
  • Handling agents & airline cargo acceptance staff, cargo      operations and ground handling staff
  • Airlines
  • Instructional designers and instructors of DGR
  • All persons involved in the preparation, packing, handling, storage, shipping, inspection and acceptance of dangerous goods

This training meets the training requirements for personnel listed in Function 7.1. and 7.3. IATA-CBTA.
Recurrent training has to be followed, within 24 months of previous training to ensure knowledge is current. (see our “DGR Refresher” Trainings)


Knowledge of the English language is a must. (all training material and examination are in English)

Important : to bring with you during the course : 

Each participant has to bring the most recent version of the IATA Dangerous Regulations manual (=65th Edition, valid from 01 Jan 2024 till 31 Dec 2024) to the course, as these Regulations will be used for all exercises and for the exam.
If you do not have this most recent manual in your office, then you can order this book via VdP.  (price is 305,00 euro, excl. eventual delivery cost).
Kindly confirm your order by email to if you would like to buy this manual.  (orders should reach us no later then 14 working days before the training, in order to have them delivered on time!)

Kjell De Coster

Opleiding : “IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, Initial”

Super ervaring, training in kleinere groep geeft een beter gevoel, zeer spontane lesgever waarbij je een thuisgevoel krijgt i.p.v. een schoolgevoel.  Doe zo verder !